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Watch Ukrainian Man Reunited With Missing Husky in Touching Video from War Zone

Watch Ukrainian Man Reunited With Missing Husky in Touching Video from War Zone

A group of Belarusian volunteer troops managed to find the dog and reunite her with her owner.

A dog separated from her owner during the violent war in Ukraine has reunited with her human thanks to volunteer troops in a touching video posted this week.

The footage, posted on Instagram by a Belarusian military outfit fighting for Ukraine, shows a Siberian husky galloping down the road before greeting her knelt-down human with a wagging tail and some happy yowls. The rest of the video shows the doggo wandering around the parking lot and getting some pets while her owner and the soldier who brought her chat.

Her owner later called someone on his phone to show them that the lost four-legged family member had returned.

In the Instagram caption, the Kastus Kalinouski Battalion, named for a 19th-century Belarusian revolutionary, said they found the pup while patrolling Bucha, a suburb of Kyiv where horrific evidence indicates civilians tortured and killed by Russian occupiers.

The Belarusians were able to reunite the lost husky with her owners thanks to friends in the area, they wrote on Instagram.

They called it “a little bit of positivity in these difficult times,” and we couldn’t agree more.

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