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  • Husky Gives Adorable Kiss To Firefighter As Thanks For Rescuing Him

    Husky Gives Adorable Kiss To Firefighter As Thanks For Rescuing Him

    Curiosity killed the cat. An expression I grew up with and realized that it serves as an order to tell someone that they should not try to find out about something which does not concern them.This expression describes people and animals who are more curious than they should be. Dogs are known for their curios […] More

  • Husky Makes a Friend in Passing Car
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    Husky Makes a Friend in Passing Car

    Huskies make friends easily, no matter where they are. Their ability to socialize with anyone, anywhere requires special care. Not everyone likes dogs, so you should not always allow them to approach people. While researching on the net I found a fantastic video between two huskies. Stopped in their respective cars, at traffic lights, they […] More

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    3 Reasons Huskies Howl & What to Do About It

    Why do huskies howl? Howling is a common trait within the Husky breed and it is used by most of them. Some dogs howl more than others, on the other hand some of them hardly howl at all. The situation is not the same for every husky however it is worth noting the fact that […] More

  • 10 Proofs That Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs In The World
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    10 Proofs That Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs In The World

    Every dog breed has its own characteristics, but did you know that Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs? Originally from cold Siberia, they have triumphed throughout history. With a rare beauty and a cold-resistant fur, huskies come in a variety of colors in both fur and eye color. As a result of changing temperatures around […] More

  • Husky Training


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    12 Husky Training Tips You Should Know

    There is an infinite amount of information on husky training tips and how to cope with this stubborn breed. It is difficult to care for a dog that takes a long time to train or obey. Although the pleasure of owning such a dog is great, so is the responsibility they seek. As a husky […] More

  • 15 Best Reasons To Own A Siberian Husky

    15 Best Reasons To Own A Siberian Husky

    Huskies are a very special breed of dog What are some of the best reasons to own a Siberian husky? If you are looking for more detailed information, you are at the right place. Before adopting a dog you probably have some criteria in mind. It is precisely these details that make the difference between […] More

  • Husky Couples

    15 Times These Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals

    Love is the answer Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals, the most beautiful feeling in the world. Everyone who has experienced it has been able to experience the diversity of emotions it has. Love has two sides. Blind love, which is filled with ardent feelings, love and a lot of understanding. There is also a dark side […] More

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    10 Lovely Pics Of Husky Moms Playing With Their Babies

    Dogs are better parents It’s not easy for Husky moms playing with their babies. This requires a lot of energy, good health and patience because the games of the little ones get out of control from time to time. Do you think being a mother is an easy job? Yes exactly, it’s work. A mother […] More

  • 10 Funny Huskies Who Love To Talk Back To Their Owners
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    10 Funny Huskies Who Love To Talk Back To Their Owners

    It’s hard to criticize a husky Huskies who love to talk back are the ones who will argue over everything. Huskies are so vocal it hurts sometimes. They have a lot of energy, while howling and talking is their preferred method of communication to you and other dogs. Known for their independent personalities, huskies are […] More

  • 12 Hilarious Husky Pictures Before And After Grooming
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    12 Hilarious Husky Pictures Before And After Grooming

    Husky pictures before and after grooming highlights their true beauty. If your dog is shedding, you’ll need to make grooming a daily ritual. Otherwise, twice a week is more than enough. A typical heavy shedding season can last from six to eight weeks. When dog’s new coat comes through, shedding happens. By Husky owners and […] More

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